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Director: Jeremy Nachbar
DP : Justin Derry / Jimi Jones
A Cam (Movi) Op: Zach Rockenstyre
EQX Studio
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From 2019-2021 we shot live to tape, meaning as A camera operator I had a tether cable running up to Jeremy in the booth. We were live on comms for up to an hour doing complex moves from the lead instructor speaking to camera to showcasing each exercise. That means whether they were on the floor of jumping in the air, I was right there with them getting my exercise. After a few weeks, the formula was dialed in and we had developed a shorthand for my movements. A foam roller was necessary between courses to keep loose to shoot 4-6 classes per day.


There was a completely different approach for location jobs. Some locations, like the Easthampton Equinox, posed unique challenges having exteriors where the ever changing lighting environment stressed the imporance of nailing the movements live. Inside the gyms, the challenge was pure stamina. We had one setup and the only thing that would hold us up from shooting continuously was breaks for myself or the talent. These projects often made me feel like a dancer, choreographing my movements along with the talent so the camera lands in the perfect spot at the perfect moment. 

EQX Location Shoots
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